Highly quality workshops, tailored to meet your needs

Christine’s professional expertise is unparalleled.

Christine’s approach is refreshingly practical, and outcome focused. She customises delivery to suit the needs of each client ensuring specific learning objectives are met.

The 12 workshops listed below can be booked by appointment. To discuss which workshop best suits you, and to confirm dates and pricing, get in touch.

Please contact us here

Cultural Awareness Training Corporate

(Half Day)

CCA recommend this workshop as the first stage in implementing a company Aboriginal Engagement Strategy or Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). More importantly to ensure Leaders understand their role in influencing the success of the Aboriginal Engagement Strategy or RAP.

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Cultural Awareness Training Supervisors

(Full Day)

This workshop has been designed to ensure that Managers and Supervisors understand how to adapt processes and provides the necessary tools to manage in a more culturally appropriate way to ensure Aboriginal employees feel culturally safe.

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Cultural Awareness Training Generic

(Half Day)

This program is designed for the bulk workforce who will have the most contact with Aboriginal workers. Designed to ensure they understand the differences in family structures and obligations, cultural sensitivities and how history has impacted on Aboriginal people both internally and externally and helps your workers understand their role in supporting company commitments.

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Cultural Awareness Training
HR & Recruitment

(Full Day)

This workshop has been designed specifically for HR and Recruitment personnel who are often the first point of contact for Aboriginal people when applying for work, to ensure that full consideration is given to Aboriginal people within the employment process; and to encourage the development of recruitment procedures that are culturally inclusive, which are proven to boost participation and engagement rates.

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Cultural Competency Training

(Full Day)

Aboriginal Cultural Competency is a valuable skill set for staff both professionally and personally supporting, working, and engaging with Aboriginal people. Aboriginal Cultural competencies, skills and knowledge are necessary for the establishment of positive and effective relationships with Aboriginal people.

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Cultural Immersion On Country

(Half Day)

This program is designed to provide participants with a different perspective and understanding of Noongar people and culture, both past and present and is an “on country” experience.

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Balancing Both Worlds

(Full Day)

Designed specifically for Aboriginal employees. This workshop will enhance participants understanding of the business environment, company expectations and how to balance both their cultural obligations and responsibilities as an employee.

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Ready for

(Full Day)

Provides insight into the FIFO lifestyle. Identifying benefits and challenges, it provides strategies to overcome issues and capitalise on both career development and financial opportunities.

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Healthy Body
Healthy Mind

(Full Day)

This workshop is designed to motivate and educate people, providing tools to improve health and emotional wellbeing and to shift behaviour towards “preventative self-care”.

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Fit for Work
Fit for Life

(Full Day)

An unhealthy lifestyle leads to fatigue and stress. This workshop provides insights into the critical role of diet for emotional and social well-being. This workshop has been designed to educate employees of how easy and simple dietary changes can improve their social and emotional wellbeing, overall health, and productivity.

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Indigenous Women in Leadership

(2 Full Day)

This program aims to assist women to identify their leadership potential and how to develop the skills to become an effective Leader either now or in the future.Tailored for Aboriginal women, we build their leadership skills. By learning to lead effectively and authentically, we shine a light on the difference between Leadership and Management.

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(Half Day)

Learn how to adapt your processes and procedures and gain the necessary tools to mentor others in a culturally appropriate way, ensuring Aboriginal employees feel culturally safe and valued.

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Cultural Proficiency in Practice

(Half Day)

The Game Changer!

Building bridges, breaking down walls and opening doors to develop a shared understanding of Cultural Proficiency in Practice and how to develop effective teams and working relationships. Are you ready to deep dive and facilitate a cultural shift? Are you ready to create sustainable behavioral change for the betterment of all stakeholders? This workshop is not to be missed. No other training program in Australia can compare with its authenticity.

Read more here

To book your training, please contact us to confirm dates and pricing.

Please Contact us here